
PLUCKITTY is a compound word of Plucky + Kitten, referring to a brave little kitten.

The brand expresses the spirits of youth with passion and courage, recklessness and ambition,

and an attitude of freedom and challenge though it is very fragile.

Signature Logo

This is the signature logo for PLUCKITTY

A kitten who believes in itself as a lion shows off its strength by making a mane out of leaves.

Pluckitty iconic pixel kittens logo

These are the gems that PLUCKITTY discovered in a dream when he was about two months old.

The sitting gem represents fragility and delicacy, and the walking gem represents bravery and adventurousness.

It is a symbol of PLUCKITTY, which has two opposite properties at the same time.

"Just wear me,

so I can be with u!"

Adopt PLUCKITTY now and become a kitty parent!

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